Friday, March 12, 2010

Product Review: William Sonoma Spiced Pecan Pumpkin Muffins

This past Thanksgiving I went shopping at William Sonoma for an apple slicer. We were making lots and lots of pies and needed one of specific measurements that eventually turned out to be a bust. However, while at the store, I sampled these delicious pumpkin muffins with dulce de leche topping and it reminded me that samples are a really good idea for sales. I was immdiately sold and bought the pricy mix and jar of dulce de leche to make in my own kitchen. And so it sat for months and months in the cabinet waiting patiently to be made.

Today I was hungry so I decided I'd make them. The mix whipped up in just seconds--1 stick of softened butter, 1 cup of water, 2 eggs. I mixed it with a spoon and had the whole thing in the oven within 15 minutes. The muffins take the normal 25 minutes to cook and then I had to wait about 15 minutes for them to cool before I could pour on the melted dulce de leche. By itself, the dulce de leche is too sweet--however with the not-so-sweet muffins it is the perfect compliement.

The result was fantastic, warm muffin, sweet topping--delicious. However, in the future I'm sure I could make my own pumpkin muffins for less and get the same flavors. This is a great gift though if you need one around the holidays--baked or unbaked.
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