Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Creamy Macaroni and Cheese

Dubliner Cheese

You've all seen it in the store and passed it up. It's too expensive you tell yourself. What if I don't like it? And then one day, you fight yourself and give in.

You place it in the fridge because you can't use it for just anything. You save it for a special occasion. It sits there waiting patiently. Finally you dare to open it, you taste a little and are overwhelmed by the strong nutty taste. You vow to use the rest "in something." You put it back in its place in the fridge.

Soon you decide to make a new recipe for Mac & Cheese you read about in your new cookbook. You remember that Dubliner cheese you have in the fridge (and when you gave in you bought a 2 pound block at Costco, so you have plenty) and realize it is perfect. You sort through the other essentials already in your pantry. Dinner for free you think! And you thought it was an indulgence to buy the cheese in the first place.

The mac and cheese was great! I loved the step by step picture instructions in the book. It is possibly the first time I have made a successful roux. The Dubliner cheese actually may have not been the best choice by itself. Since the recipe calls for a whole pound of cheese, I'd go half and half with something a little milder and the Dubliner. The Dubliner also made it totally white so it doesn't look as good for you as when there is some color in there. The recipe calls for 2 heaping teaspoons of dry mustard, and I could taste the mustard. So I would reduce the mustard to maybe 1 and 1/2 t or less. It was a strong mustard flavor that kept hitting me throughout. I did not do the final baking stage, I served it right out of the pot and boy was it creamy! I would make this again following my suggestions above.

The Recipe


  1. The real question is . . . how does it compare to the original Beverly mac & cheese?????

  2. Oh that Pioneer woman's recipe cracked me up!! good to burn some calories laughing before eating right? Yummo!
