Thursday, February 19, 2009

Over the Moon Milk - New Product

My mom has always said that a well balanced meal is only complete with a glass of milk. From a young age, we were weaned on fat free skim milk with our meals. Forever, skim milk was all I could drink or even fathom having.

In college, I lived in Europe and, although I tried to stick to the healthy skim milk, I found that the European version was much creamier and delicious. Upon return to the States, I had a hard time sticking with Skim and turned to more fattening 1% and 2% versions.

Finally, milk has taken a step in the direction of creamy without the fat! Let me introduce to you Over The Moon Milk. Over The Moon takes skim milk, adds a little more calcium and makes it taste creamy.

I tried this milk over the weekend and found it to be delicious. The weird thing was that it requires a shake or two before consumption because the creamy layers sometimes stay to the top just like that full fat unpasteurized kind that you get from the milk pail on the farm.

If you're a milk drinker, and you want the creaminess without the fat, I recommend that you give Over the Moon a shot!

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