Saturday, December 6, 2008

Creamy Patoato Soup

Ever since Tastespotting came back, I have been watching it day by day. Last week, I saw a delicious looking recipe for Creamy Potato Soup and I knew I hadto try it. Ever since I first tried Baked Potato Soup at The Outback, I have been trying to replicate it.

My first attempt to replicate it was disgusting. I didn't realize that potatoes turn gray/brown if you leave them out. After that episode, I put my dream on the back-burner--until I saw this picture.

One thing that really excited me about the soup was that the recipe called for the use of an immersion blender. As luck would have it, I recently received one as a surprise gift!I was surprised about how much the soup changed after I blended it. It really thickened up into what appeared to be a hearty dish.

The soup turned out really well. It was a little bland by itself, but with the bacon, cheese and green onions, it was really quite delicious! I think probably it just needed a little salt. What is the rule of thumb really with "Salt to taste"? I never add enough.

I increased the ingredients to make 1 1/2 recipes and that was just enough for 6 hungry guests with one bowl extra. Be sure to make tons of toppings available for the best results.

You can check the recipe again here, but let your mouth water after the flavors melded in this steaming bowl:


  1. OK, I get no credit at all? Ah-hem.

  2. I am glad to see that the immersion blender is getting some good use -- isn't it a wonderful appliance?

    I am glad to see that the whole potato soup thing worked out this time
